
1. 简介

Virtual KubeletKubernetes kubelet 的一种实现,作为一种虚拟的kubelet用来连接k8s集群和其他平台的API。这允许k8s的节点由其他提供者(provider)提供支持,这些提供者例如serverless平台(ACI, AWS Fargate)、IoT Edge等。

一句话概括:Kubernetes API on top, programmable back。

2. 架构图

3. 功能

virtual kubelet提供一个可以自定义k8s node的依赖库。


4. Providers

virtual kubelet提供一个插件式的provider接口,让开发者可以自定义实现传统kubelet的功能。自定义的provider可以用自己的配置文件和环境参数。



5. 自定义provider


git clone https://github.com/virtual-kubelet/virtual-kubelet
cd virtual-kubelet
mkdir providers/my-provider

5.1. PodLifecylceHandler


type PodLifecycleHandler interface {
    // CreatePod takes a Kubernetes Pod and deploys it within the provider.
    CreatePod(ctx context.Context, pod *corev1.Pod) error

    // UpdatePod takes a Kubernetes Pod and updates it within the provider.
    UpdatePod(ctx context.Context, pod *corev1.Pod) error

    // DeletePod takes a Kubernetes Pod and deletes it from the provider.
    DeletePod(ctx context.Context, pod *corev1.Pod) error

    // GetPod retrieves a pod by name from the provider (can be cached).
    GetPod(ctx context.Context, namespace, name string) (*corev1.Pod, error)

    // GetPodStatus retrieves the status of a pod by name from the provider.
    GetPodStatus(ctx context.Context, namespace, name string) (*corev1.PodStatus, error)

    // GetPods retrieves a list of all pods running on the provider (can be cached).
    GetPods(context.Context) ([]*corev1.Pod, error)


pc, _ := node.NewPodController(podControllerConfig) // <-- instatiates the pod controller
pc.Run(ctx) // <-- starts watching for pods to be scheduled on the node

5.2. PodNotifier(optional)

PodNotifier是可选实现,该接口主要用来通知virtual kubelet的pod状态变化。如果没有实现该接口,virtual-kubelet会定期检查所有pod的状态。

type PodNotifier interface {
    // NotifyPods instructs the notifier to call the passed in function when
    // the pod status changes.
    // NotifyPods should not block callers.
    NotifyPods(context.Context, func(*corev1.Pod))

5.3. NodeProvider


type NodeProvider interface {
    // Ping checks if the node is still active.
    // This is intended to be lightweight as it will be called periodically as a
    // heartbeat to keep the node marked as ready in Kubernetes.
    Ping(context.Context) error

    // NotifyNodeStatus is used to asynchronously monitor the node.
    // The passed in callback should be called any time there is a change to the
    // node's status.
    // This will generally trigger a call to the Kubernetes API server to update
    // the status.
    // NotifyNodeStatus should not block callers.
    NotifyNodeStatus(ctx context.Context, cb func(*corev1.Node))


nc, _ := node.NewNodeController(nodeProvider, nodeSpec) // <-- instantiate a node controller from a node provider and a kubernetes node spec
nc.Run(ctx) // <-- creates the node in kubernetes and starts up he controller

5.4. 测试


make test

5.5. 示例代码
